Daily Checklist

1. Remain in the present moment. Future and past should only come up when absolutely necessary.
2. Live life passionately. If you are in a dead-end job or just unhappy, search out your life’s passion.
3. Be grateful for everything. Every heart beat is a gift. Realize how lucky we are to be alive.
4. An energy level higher than that of those around you is contagious.
5. Give your energy willingly to everyone. It is drawn from a limitless source.
6. If your energy does drop, everything will be alright. Those people who you gave energy to will return the favor.
7. Your emotional state is independent of external factors. We learned at an early age to look at the world to show us how to feel. I am reminded of a child who scrapes his knee and looks around to see if anyone will comfort him if he were to start crying, if no one is around he will get up and keep playing.
8. Truthfully speak your mind. No matter what emotional response you have at first. Over time your truthful thoughts will erode from societal input. Your thoughts will become more positive and beneficial.
9. Be comfortable touching others. Touch others more. Be aware of how others enjoy your touch.
10. Be happy with yourself as you are now. There is no other time other than this eternal Now to be happy.
11. Strive towards perfection. Set lofty goals and do right action every day towards those goals.
12. Be empathetic, then rise. Sometimes people want you to feel their pain. Sacrifice your good vibes for them, then pull them up with you back to your previous state.
13. A positive mind is very powerful. There are times for negativity, but those times are rare.
14. Never give up on or condemn another person. They may not be aware they are hurting you. Forgive so you may be forgiven.
15. Failure is another step towards success. Don’t let failures slow you down. If they do, then this is what I do: I envision myself in old age looking back and laughing at how many failures led to my great successes.
16. Stop comparing yourself to others. We are each on our own path.
17. Understand other opinions. Rather than sticking to your point of view, people will enjoy your vibe much more if you don?t argue your opinion to be ‘Right’ and not ‘Wrong’. It is win-win.
18. Have faith that your good vibes are flowing into those around you and lifting them.
19. Meditate or use another centering ritual. Rituals have been very vital to humanity.
20. Drink water frequently. Divide your body weight in two, that is the number of fluid ounces of water you need daily.
21. Keep your body fit and healthy by excercising and eating right.

Give up Self Righteousness

To emanate the energy from the spiritual choice, it is necessary to give up the grip of the limiting ego. Challenge the way you see things and confront routines. Give up fixed viewpoints and look carefully behind each opinion and point of view.  Consider the source of your judgment and be open to other options and new possibilities.

You cannot be strong without giving up self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is the linchpin for unraveling the entire ego structure. The ego’s belief or desire to be superior to fellow human beings is an attempt to overcome the sense of worthlessness by denying it or projecting it onto others.

This pervasive ego strategy, employed by the multitudes, is the source of wars at all levels.  The ego’s effort to exonerate itself escalates the drama and dissension. It is time to shatter these deadlocks of blame and persecution by seeing that all interactions are a process of reciprocity. The mutual dynamic is like a dance of pain and suffering between two people, each unwilling to stop.

Every pain holds the seed of freedom and peace, if felt and experienced, rather than denied or projected onto another.  What is vehemently defended holds the secret to your emancipation. When you defend yourself it intensifies the grip of fear.  If you but knew this, you would put down your sword and shield immediately.  Behind your fear of pain and condemnation you will find the relief your soul desires.

Recognize that the obstacles you face are opportunities disguised as problems.  They are an opening to your freedom.  Pronounce truth and allow others the freedom to choose their own reactions or responses. Do not give into self doubt but honor yourself and your experiences.  Trust that your emotions are telling you the lessons you came here to learn. Allow the feelings from your experiences to emerge so that they can be faced and released. Stop looking for peace and love outside yourself.  Discover true inner peace, love and joy by looking at the very pain you seek to avoid.

You believe that if you felt your pain fully, it would destroy you. You are running from a dreaded and impending wave of fear that you believe will come crashing down on you, crushing you into oblivion. But running is exhausting. The huge darkness cast upon you by the relentless wave is like a cloud of suffering, blocking the light and love you want in your life.  Stop, turn, and face your worst fear.  When you do, you will find, to your utter relief, the foreboding wave is gently lapping against the shore.

To accelerate your growth and personal happiness, learn that any sense of fear, panic, pain or resistance are indicators of the parts of yourself that need healing.  Know that your emotions are not caused by another but are coming from your own thoughts and stories of who you think you are.  It is not true.  Welcome your feelings and sensations instead of refusing to acknowledge them. Be gentle with yourself.  And most importantly, give up claims of self-righteousness. They prevent your feelings from arising, they block your inner path to freedom and they alienate your fellow human beings.

-The Twelve Wise Ones

Conservation of Energy

“In mountain snow, nature conserves water for summer’s use; 
Summer’s blossoms are planted in autumn to nourish spring.”

“To every time, there is a season.”

There is a cycle in nature that allows what we observe today to have a different purpose tomorrow. Everything in nature can be reduced to fuel, food or energy of some type. In this way, nature conserves energy for productive use when needed.

Leaves take in sunlight during spring and summer, yet become fertilizer in the fall. Temperatures change throughout the year to transform water’s molecular structure. Warm temperatures generate faster molecular movement that leads to spring and summer rains. During winter, lower temperatures decrease molecular movement altogether. In its frozen state, water at higher altitudes is conserved as snow for later use downriver.

When you boil water, the movement of molecules goes so fast, steam is produced. In clouds too, the water molecules develop sufficient kinetic energy to overcome any bonding forces that would hold them together and rain is released asprecipitation. In the same way, situations that unfold faster than you can deal with them in the moment – can make you blow your lid. You release anger during the precipitous events that enable you to release the buildup of pressure.

Just as the heat, clouds and rain cannot be separated in their interaction – what causes your anger is not the event, and it is not necessarily bad. In most cases your response was more than the situation warranted. You had already reached yourboiling point, and were simmering for some time. The difference between response and reaction is the past attitude you place onpresent events. Nature’s conservation of energy might inspire you to become more conservative in your approach. An inability to respond appropriately to the time is like a farmer trying to plant corn in the snow.

Be inspired by nature’s laws of conservation to use and release the energy of expression by being more responsive and less reactive. Take personal responsibility for the unprocessed energy you carry with you. Ice and snow capture the molecular shape of water in its crystal formation and is actually quite beautiful. It serves as a snapshot of the shape of harmony that can compose your inner core.

Respond more and react less. Explore the difference between the two. Being responsive to the moment ensures that energy can be conserved for a more practical purpose later. Anger can serve a purpose if it releases you from your hold on the past. Nothing in life is static however, so it does no good to hold onto anything.

Experience shapes you, but if you have closed off your ability to respond to life, situations often unfold to release you. When you are critical of yourself and others, it may be difficult for you to achieve the type of control you desire. When a leaf is tugged from a branch, it is not a critical gesture. Without letting its leaves fall, there would be no nutrients for its roots. When a river carries dirt downstream, nothing has been lost. The elements that compose our universe today – existed in the beginning. All things ebb and flow, finding productive use of the time.

Trust in life’s gentle prodding for release – nothing is ever working against you. If you derive your self worth by solving problems, you will find a road composed of many problems. In nature there is a time and there is a season for all activity. Composing your inner world allows you to become master of your experiences. Being open, you will discover harmony in all you do.

From an iPhone app by Way of Tao

“Great perfection will always appear chipped. Without controlling anything, 
you can become the master of your experiences.”

The Connection Between Psychic Abilities and Being Vegan

I found this interesting not because I have any desire to be psychic, nor do I claim to be. I just seem to be being pushed towards being vegan. Not really by any humanitarian or anti-meat industry agenda, although those are also valid reasons : P I feel this push from what my body craves… I no longer think about eating things that I would have chomped in a heartbeat earlier. I have this new scale of “food vs. not food” on which I weigh everything, as to gauge what I want to put into my body. I have also been slightly repulsed my leather products and things made from dead. I’m not saying that I am going vegan quite yet because I know I need to remain healthy and I need to learn how to support my caloric intake while simultaneously cutting all animal products out of my diet… but where there is a will there is a way and I am curious to see how watching what I am eating effects my body and mind : )

“They explained to me that an animal carries its torture and death with it when it is slaughtered, and that when we humans eat that energy, it lowers ours.”

~Erin Pavlina

The Connection Between Psychic Abilities and Being Vegan

Today I received an interesting question from Jacob at Mind-Energy.net. When I wrote the answer to him I realized it might be of interest to others so I decided to turn it into a blog entry. Here’s what he asked me:

I noticed that many spiritual people refrain from eating meat for some reason. I’ve known that you and Steve are vegans but I never knew the reason. Also, now that you stated that you’re also psychic (even though not a healer), I wonder if it is connected. So what are your reasons for being vegan (and why not a simple vegetarian)?

As Jacob mentioned, Steve and I are vegans. For those of you not familiar with that term, a vegan is a person who does not eat animals or animal products, and refrains from using products made from animals such as leather, fur, feathers, etc. Here is the tale of how I went from eating Big Macs nearly every day to being vegan and how it has helped my spiritual and psychic development.

I grew up on burgers, fries and milkshakes. I ate the Standard American Diet my entire life.

Around the time I started college, I told the spirits that I wanted to be a hero. I wanted to save the planet. And I told them if they would just see fit to grant me superhuman powers that I would use them for good. I also told them I wanted to be a healer and asked for the power to heal people with touch.

They laughed and told me I wasn’t ready for such a thing. So I asked them what I had to do to get ready.

They told me to go vegetarian. They told me that in order to heal people and to have ”superhuman” powers and abilities that I would need to raise my vibration, my energy, and that one powerful way of doing that was to stop eating meat. They explained to me that an animal carries its torture and death with it when it is slaughtered, and that when we humans eat that energy, it lowers ours. That made a lot of sense, so I immediately told the spirits to go take a flying leap. There wasn’t any way I was going to go vegetarian! Give up my Big Macs? Pfft. Wasn’t there some other way? I asked them hopefully.

Nope, they said. You gotta stop making your body a graveyard for suffering, torture, and cruelty. I ignored their advice for years. But it always niggled in the back of my mind. How could I expect to live with compassion when I was allowing other people to murder an animal and feed it to me. Oh, the hypocrisy.

When I met Steve, he was a vegetarian. I remember being annoyed that he couldn’t eat at certain restaurants and was always trying to get me to go vegetarian too. I was always getting food poisoning and very ill when I ate animal products, so one day I decided to try going vegetarian for 30 days. I didn’t tell anyone, I just did it. And it was easy! Much much easier than I thought it would be.

I went back to the spirits and said, “Now can I have super powers?” They said, “You’re headed in the right direction, but eating eggs and milk and cheese is just as cruel as eating the animal’s flesh. Look into it and you’ll see.” I promptly ignored them again. I figured I had done quite enough! They thought differently. But I did notice that my
psychic abilities increased as a vegetarian and it did make me curious.

One day Steve told me he wanted to go vegan and raise our future children as vegans. It nearly broke us apart because I had NO intention of doing anything SO drastic! But once again, I decided to give it a try for 30 days and see for myself if it was something I wanted to do or not. Oh my goodness! The difference was amazing. I lost tons of weight, I felt great, 95% of my chronic health problems just magically vanished, and my psychic abilities increased massively. How could I possibly go back to eating ice cream and cheese? That would be like putting poison back into my body.

I starting reading and learning more about how food animals are treated and I could no longer be a part of their suffering. When I realized that I could live quite easily and happily without harming animals I made the firm decision to continue to be vegan. Not only did this increase my compassion, it increased my connection to the spirits. I was able to hear them more easily, and I started having more precognitive dreams. I started being able to “read” people and know what was going to happen to them. I guess you could say I became vastly more psychic. And they started giving me tasks and assignments to carry out. I felt like a first level hero. 🙂

So, that’s how I went from eating fast food to plant food. Even though the spirits were right all along, I just wasn’t ready to listen. And they understood that too. Free will and all.

From this experience, I learned that having superhuman powers doesn’t mean flying around and using x-ray vision. It means moving towards a higher vibration and moving closer to Source. And it’s that kind of “superhuman” power that will save our planet. Of course, that doesn’t stop me from trying to fly occasionally, and I do still have that cape tucked away somewhere … just in case. 😉